Amoud Foundation impacts the local and global communities by helping people help themselves through sustainable humanitarian projects while maintaining trusting relationships.
Amoud Foundation impacts the local and global communities by helping people help themselves through sustainable humanitarian projects while maintaining trusting relationships by relieving the suffering of the vulnerable in the East, West, and the Horn of Africa by establishing emergency relief and development programs.
Each human being has their basic needs met and opportunities to develop and grow in their community while keeping their dignity intact.

One Saturday afternoon in 1998, a group of concerned Somalis got together in Irving, Texas, to start organization to rebuild their homeland which had been devastated after the civil war in Somalia.

Beginning with a meager $500 in the bank, these dedicated volunteers help propel a small education and development organization into an international humanitarian organization that today serves several countries across the world spanning 4 continents (Africa, Asia, North America, South America).
Amoud also does work on the home-front including helping with the 2006 Hurricane Relief and 2015 Garland Tornado recovery. An active and uncompensated board volunteer team keeps administrative costs at a minimum.